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Thursday, May 5, 2011


     Ah, Treatment. No, not rehab. I mean how we evaluate people on a regular basis. You may find myself to be slightly stereotypical at certain points. Well, how can you blame me. Stereotypes are there because most of the time, they're factual. When we are talking about feelings toward another person, stereotypes tend to be followed closer.
     Today I'm going to start with (and mainly focus on) how guys tend to treat girls. It often begins to piss me off when I hear guys talking about girls, mostly because all you here is total, and utter bull crap about how this guy wants to sleep with this girl, and he's going to use her like his favorite pair of underwear.
     When all you here are illiterate jocks saying "I could tap that," it makes me a bit weary, wondering what our future generations of guys will be like. Granted, nearly all guys are like that, and have been for 50 years, I still wonder what goes through their minds, and why they think this is a sex driven world. When you see an innocent girl, who works for the greater good of their relationship, and in a month or less, she is crying in school, or sitting in the hallway contemplating why she spends the time to put herself out there for him, it makes you want to find that guy, and kick his ass (excuse the language).
     I can tell you right now, guys are terrible. The few guys that are even decent out there, are tough to find, and even they can turn on you. Coming from a guy, It's easy to be a guy. Guys have it so easy, it blows your mind. I'm not even going to go into detail about the difficulty it is to be a woman (not that I know). Then when guys go and crush their lives, along with all of the other struggles they go though on a daily basis, you are slowly breaking down the infrastructure of their self esteem and means for like.
     I honestly can't say that I'm a perfect guy. I mean, I'm not even close, but who is? No one, but I feel like we could still be a bit closer than what we are. When life is about "Bangin' that hoe" you'd think that you could catch a clue, or that your blood flow would at some point go back to regulating around your brain.
     Once again, It shocks me how we treat women. We use you, then throw you away. I guess all I can say, is if you're reading this, and your a guy, I hope you regain some consciousness. If your a girl, good luck, and I hope you grab that perfect guy, and never let go.

             Quote for the day:

                   “Find a guy who calls you beautiful instead of hot, who calls you back when you hang up on him, who will lie under the stars and listen to your heartbeat, or will stay awake just to watch you sleep... wait for the boy who kisses your forehead, who wants to show you off to the world when you are in sweats, who holds your hand in front of his friends, who thinks you're just as pretty without makeup on.” - Anonymous