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Sunday, April 10, 2011

Trust and Love

Trust. A word taken so lightly, like many others. "I trust you." Do I? No. I can truly, and happily say, I don't trust you. Happily? Yes, I'm glad that I don't trust some of you. Trust is not me trusting you to pay me back some money I loaned you. It is something generated over years of life, where you would hand someone your life, and know for a fact that they would make it even better. Trust is something that is given to people too easily these days. I personally don't fully trust anyone to this extent. Close? Yes, but still, not with my life. Granted, I am young, and haven't met that significant other, and life is changing so fast, feelings and friends are being blended up into a smoothie I wouldn't dare to drink. "To be trusted is a greater compliment than to be loved" - George Macdonald. Before I get into this quote, I must explain my views on love. Love, is something so commonly confused to be a feeling of a friend, or a person you have been dating for a couple of weeks. Yes, as silly as it sounds, we all do this. Including me. I had just gotten done talking to one of my close friends about this. The immeasurable distance between love, and being in love. But it's not about the words, but what you mean. Many say that they love each other. But, do you think about what you're saying? You have lust. Maybe not even that. This flies all the way back to when you were told "Think before you talk." Well, go ahead. You may think that you still love that person, but I disagree (depending on the situation). Love is something that I would express to a girlfriend after at least 6 months, depending on the deepness of the relationship and countless factors. So, now that you know my views on trust and love, lets review this quote previously stated. Many would say that when you love, you trust. Well, if I was dating someone for 6 months, I feel as if I would still hold on to my life, until I'm so sure, and know everything about them, that I can lower the gate to my life, and hire that person to stand guard. Well, I guess what I'm trying to say is, trust yourself, and love yourself. Time will let you know when you can share.
Definition of Love: Deep romantic or sexual attachment.
Definition of Lust: Very strong sexual desire.
             Oh, Google Definitions, could you possibly be more wrong?

                                                                     Quote/Picture for the day:


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